
Sunday 8 March 2015

6mm Baccus Ancients

Keeping up with the 6mm painting as you would expect if you follow this blog. I started this project as a side interest and was not sure if it would go further than painting a few units up and then flogging it on. Now Lee has bought three starter armies already painted and it looks like we will get the chance to pit them against each other once he has rebased his and I have a few more units painted up. Good job then that I am on with it.All figures are Baccus.

So lets start with the heavy hitters. Not sure I will be needing four of these but if I do they are all ready. Most likely is that Lee will be borrowing a couple for his Romans. They come as a four part kit and was a little fiddly but all but one went together well, the fourth (well first) is a bit messy but that's me not the models.

These really look huge against the figures and other units, lets hope they pack a punch. I also have four of the smaller bolt throwers to paint up but I have a few other units ahead of them in the paint queue so maybe an April item?

As we are using the Hail Caesar rules and won't be removing bases we need to keep tabs on casualties. This will either be via these markers or some of the really small dice, we have to try them out and decide which will look best on the table.

Here is a Hoplite doubled over, you get 55 figures for £6 in the UK and some will grace the bases of units to add a little interest.

Another Hoplite, this one fully prone, the dials are from Warbases and are great. I already use the larger dial for Sniper Reminders, these smaller ones hopefully will be the ticket, though it's a little big for the wee guys.

Fifteen of the casualties are cavalry so I will be able to use these with the right type of dead to match the units :-)

Again another Hoplite but as this one is unarmoured I can use them for other troop types without worrying about how a clash of interest, oh how these things are important.

I also painted up four units of light javelin/spear infantry, not to be mixed up with units that only perform a skirmish duty these are also meant to fight hand to hand when required (not a good idea unless the targets light troops or in a bad way) but they still earn their keep with the javelin. 

I based these in a really open order with some troops facing backwards with others moving forward and of course some throwing their javelins. I wanted the unit to have a fluid look. I originally was thinking two bases worth but I painted up more than would look good on the bases so I doubled the units.

Here you can see some of the guys legging it! Not sure how these will fair in games but should be good for sweeping away the enemy light troops.

Looking a little alike (same pallet) these bow armed light troops have one difference, the troops whilst still in loose formation are somewhat rowed up in ranks, this was to give the volley like look that I think the more distant weapons would look. After all the enemy troops should be at a reasonable distance if possible.

As the other lights I have four units of these. Too many for a small game but when we have rank after rank of heavier infantry these will really come into their own.

Hail Caesar does have small units of true skirmishes and I have represented them the same as Kev and Andy does, on a small circle base, as you can see from the figures it's quite small and hopefully reinforces the nuisance value rather than a major player on the table.

So eight bases of skirmishers, hopefully they will drive Lee nuts. I am not sure when they will get their first outing but I do need to paint up more close order troops before I can set myself against Lee's forces, best get cracking.


  1. Excellent job, love the overall impression with these great looking bases...

    1. Thanks Phil, I am hopping to get a unit of Hoplite's painted up over the next two weeks, they are all prepped so no excuses.


  2. Replies
    1. Post Challenge you will see a lot more of them as I start to add bulk to the army. I have enough figures for another three pike phalanx so will be keen to get these done.


  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, looking forward to getting a few group shots once I have filled it out some.


  4. Lovely bunch of tiny ancients there Ian :)

    1. Want to get them on the table soon so I can try out the rules in this scale and figure system


  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Roger, just need to get more more more done


  6. Nice looking bases and casualty counters. I think the counters have the benefit of not being mistaken for game dice.

    1. At Kev's yellow dice are used to denote unit status and nothing else so we have become conditioned to not picking those up. In this scale the dice would have to be the tiny ones so again would help in not allowing that to happen but hopefully will be better than dice as they can roll away losing the number they are on.


  7. Well done Ian! I especially like the casualty markers. I'm not a big fan of too much clutter on the tabletop but your markers will fit in nicely.

    1. That's what I am hoping for, I will know better when I lay out all that I have painted to this point and add them to the scene.



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