
Monday 9 March 2015

Waterloo British Starter Orders

Another 6mm post but this time Napoleonic British from Baccus and not for my Project Waterloo but for a different Waterloo game and 100 days campaign. I was asked by a mate two years ago if I would paint up his 15mm Thracian's. Sure I said, once I have finished Matt's Zulu's. Well it changed to I have some British for Waterloo as well.... Being stuck in the middle of my own Prussian and French I held out little hope of doing these but after a few months off Naps and finally with Matt's Zulu's finished I agreed to start on Steve's figures.

He needs the reserve Corp painting so as test units I did four battalions from the main army (it seemed a good idea at the time). Well after checking the units given and units required it turned out not that bad a move as I would have four battalions of regular infantry spare so would have to paint them up as something else anyway. Steve is short by three Highland Battalions and a battalion of Rifles but these are in hand.

Here we have the 2nd Battalion 30th Regiment. I am finding the yellow facings a little tough as they hide away against the flesh though you can see it in the photo OK.

This is the 2nd Battalion, the 33rd have red facings making these easy to finish with only the drummer with the extra work to do. I am finally starting to get the hang of the cross belts after how many thousand? I did not have the correct flag for this battalion but finally got the flags recently and will flag it either tonight or Tuesday, when I flag the ten new battalions finished today.

The 2nd Battalion of the 69th Infantry. I never took a picture of the other painted battalion (2nd Battalion 73rd Regiment) before handing them over to Steve so only the three close ups. Painting of the flag edges is really important otherwise the whole image is spoilt. The flags are Baccus and you can flag 12 Battalions of British for £1.50, French manage 24 battalions LOL). I add watered down PVA to the inside of one half of the flag, line it up and stick together apart from the folded edge, add it to the pole and tease it into various folds and waves. Having two flags on the same base allows for some nice effects.

These were the first British Napoleonic battalions I have ever painted and prior to painting I was quite nervous of getting things wrong but it went reasonably well, enough so that I have painted up the next ten. Will take a week off from Nap's and get back to them with the final eight Hanoverian Landwehr that will finish off the reserve infantry till after the Highlanders arrive.


  1. Very nice job Ian, waiting for the Hannovrian landwehr...and for the hoplites as well!

    1. The first of the Hanoverian's has been submitted to the challenge now, still need their flags though


  2. Nice work Ian!

    It's the same thing with the ACW flags - the Union regiments have two flags each, the Rebs just one.

    1. Maybe that's why they won? I still have some on the Baccus flags lying around for the Union, well in my flag box at any rate


  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Stefan, the flags really help make them


  4. Great work Ian! Very impressive!

    1. Thanks Roger, wait till you see the ten battalions that went in today


  5. Cracking job on these buggers! The mass effect is very nice.

    1. Cheers and again the next lot have that much more due to numbers


  6. These units have come up really well. Most impressive and inspiring.

    1. Thanks, nothing like the thin red line to evoke the period, helps that I am reading through the Sharp books I guess



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