
Thursday 2 April 2015

Building of the Week,Large Medieval Town House.

Leven Miniatures have yet to release this building, indeed it's so new it's yet to make the coming soon section. I think I am right in saying this is one of several buildings planned to enlarge the Medieval range but I am not sure of this.

It has the typical wood and plaster upper story but this building comes with two changes to the norm. A thatched roof and the stone lower level is of rounded stones rather than the usual brick like patterns up to date. I like both, the stone pattern will break up the standard walls for a nice point of difference but that thatch is the show stopper. It would be nice to see thatch options of some of the other buildings in the range, this will generate a little more variety in our miniature towns whilst hopefully being easier for mike to add compared with totally new buildings.

I was not 100% sure about upstairs windows on the front of the building thinking the walls looked not to have them. If I am wrong I will add them before sending off to Mike, somehow looks right not having them.

It's a nice robust building that would fit in well with the later period buildings I have that will see service in my ECW and Napoleonic games. Not this one though as it's to be sent back to Leven for when the buildings are to be released.

I have managed to paint up a few more buildings this week and have painted up eighteen buildings so far this year. That's below the two a week I had planned and failed to hit last year but I have fourteen buildings I plan to paint over the next three weeks so could get right back on track.


  1. It looks great though I'm sure it should have upper story front windows. I agree the rounded stones and thatched roof look very nice and are very useful for Northern villages.

    1. Yes Mike has got back to me, village idiot that I am :-)


  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray, I think I am well practised now LOL


  3. Cool building Ian! Lovely work too!

    1. I think this will fit in well with the rest of the range, I know I will be wanting a few


  4. a so nice little house !
    both Leven Miniatures and you do excellent works !

    1. Well most of the praise is for Leven as he puts the detail there for you to paint but thanks for the props.


  5. Some great detail on that, very nice indeed

    1. As a 6mm ECW terrain guru, what would you recommend as a manor house for a Royalist stronghold? I'm also looking for a nice castle model like Donnington but haven't found much yet.

    2. No one that I know as yet do a British Manor House that could be something like Basing House or any other of the English styled houses that have survived the Civil Wars. The style of Hardwick can be used as a guide as this was built in the late 16th Century. The houses were built for living in and not defence, lots of windows with thin surrounding walls and ornate gardens. The nearest I can think of is by Total Battle Miniatures in their Big Battalions Pike and Shotte range. They have a Citadel which would be a reasonable fit.

      I know Leven Miniatures is working on a generic castle that may have parts that could be used and he may extend the serviceable Medieval range to also cover the ECW. I hope so at any rate.


    3. Thanks Ian, I'll check that out and look forward some Leven goodness in due course!


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