
Friday 3 April 2015

Dominate Roman Army Finished!

The final pieces of this army has fallen into place with a bit of a flurry as I managed to finish the units started when I burnt my hand and lost the opportunity to finish them within the Challenge.

Finally have some commanders, three bases of them with each base distinct from the others so you can show who is the CinC.

I have given the three riders on each base the same colour cloaks as the main tie but other smaller details are the same as well where possible without making them look identical.

The figures were finished inside of March but the basing was only finished on Thursday morning.

One unit of cavalry with bow and are also swordsmen, this will mean they are better in close combat that firing though they can certainly soften up a target before putting them to the sword.

Whilst the riders just have the one pose the horses come with two poses to add a bit of difference to them. As always I have a mix of horse colours that help break up the mass a little more.

Yes more bow, I now have enough to supply most of the Legions and Auxiliary units with the a third rank of bow option. I don't know how good an option this is though it certainly makes it more difficult for them to lose cohesion through casualties.

I have used the same base colours though the bow and quivers are different colours to break them up just a little.

For a bit of colour these Axillary bow are a bit more colourful and as such can be used for other armies and not tied to this period of Roman's.

Nothing really special about these as they were a quick paint but as you will have gathered this army is a bit heavy on the bow side. Indeed unlike most Roman armies it's also heavy on mounted troops. In total it has 190 infantry against 71 mounted, who would have thought it?

No Field of Glory army is complete without a camp and I do like the opportunity to make it into something more than just a camp, indeed I have yet to add a tent to any of my camps,

I really like the donkey pulled cart, I have added three sacks of grain to act as load for the door devils to drag along.

Here it is moving away from the battle, must have been the dice that was at fault! I enjoyed the work on the pack horses as they had quite a mix of items and each is painted up different.

Can you spot the piggy? the base also got a lot more tufts than a typical base and it helps to break up the base a little and also give the appearance of travelling along a less cultivated location.

The whole army set out and basking in the Spring Sun. Had these figures for over three years but all but one unit has been painted over the last three months and a couple of weeks, not bad to say I have been painting up a load of other figures in the same time period.

Total cost of the figures at todays prices would be a little over £145, amazing how much it costs to put together a 15mm army these days. I now have to decide if I am to sell it complete or single units and what price. Whatever I get for it the money will be spent on our next holiday so quite fitting the sun was out for the photo's


  1. Quite an impressive undertaking with good results. To keep or to sell? That is the question!

    1. Oh it's been sell for some time now as we can make use of the money as spending money on a holiday


  2. Ian - as always, lovely work :)

    As I said before, if you're selling it I'll buy the whole army. Send me an email if/when you do decide to sell and we can sort out a price :)

    1. email sent and all sorted :-)

      Hope they fight well for you


  3. They look splendid, Ian! Lotsa color! I'm glad your hand is better, oven mitt, oven mitt, oven mitt! ;)
    Lovely spring sun too. I'm doing honey-do yard work, but I've been promised "wood time" if I finish the days list! ;)

    1. Hope the tasks got done ;-)

      Oven Mitt indeed, I have even been allowed to cook again since, this time sausage bacon and apples, all nice and roasted, tastes better than you may think


  4. Great looking army, I do like your camp!

    1. You worked out I was camp from my post?

      I had fun with the camp, it can be often ignored or considered a minor part but I like them to look nice


  5. Congrats on finishing this great bunch! Seriously I couldn't get myself to part with such a nice army.

    1. Thanks, it helps that it's going to one of the nice guys in our hobby, just hope it works well for Tamsin and I get to see some AAR's of them



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