
Sunday 13 September 2015

Adler Cuirassier's

I painted these up as a final regiment of Cuirassiers for Project Waterloo. They are Adler Miniatures and have the typical great movement you expect from this supplier. Not that these are the first Adler Cuirassiers I have painted over the last few years nor will they be the last as I continue to expand my painted collection. I have at least one more regiments worth of castings.

I really like how Adler supply the two different poses on a strip, it helps add to the movement of the unit. Having two command figures adds further to this effect. 

Not that I plan to paint up any more French for the time being, the next Napoleonic troops I plan to paint are probably going to be Polish and then more Italian and Neapolitan infantry for both the Peninsular and even further in the future for the Russian campaign.

It looks like we will be keeping cavalry as 8-10 figure units on 60x30 for the foreseeable future which actually probably means we wont change. I am torn between the two, on the one hand they would look great 60x60 but on the other it's a lot of work to change them over. More a case of two late in the day than anything else.

I will leave you with a close up of the figures, you just have to love them don't you?


  1. Replies
    1. Cheers Fran, small units really allow me to do that bit more to them


  2. Nice paint jobs and great animation. I really love the Adler cavalry, indeed the guys I game with have lots of them. I have enough MDF that I don't use any metal cavalry now. I only have the personalities. I don't intend to replace these as they are bloody lovely. Can't say I'm too impressed with the infantry though. They are nicely sculpted but I find them to flimsy for gaming with . My group uses baccus infantry.

    1. My 6mm MDF's are still rather limited in numbers, yours though are legion. I prefer Baccus infantry to Adler like your mates for the same reason, though I have a lot of Adler Prussian Infantry and as they are on big bases should campaign better than if small based. Not played enough with them yet to be able to really give a verdict on how they will stand up to handling.


  3. I certainly love them! The Adler cavalry look like nice sculpts.

    1. They are, same as the infantry. You can't beat Adler for detail. They do take longer to prep and paint but I do like to mix them in. Lee on the other hand is becoming less happy due to the amount that end up damaged before he gets round to basing them.


  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Tamsin, soon be time for the painting challenge :-)


  5. At that scale, those horses are really nice. Glad to see you found some time to paint!

    1. Thanks Anne, I have managed a reasonable amount this last week or so as I had last week off work, will show the results soon


  6. Replies
    1. Cheers Roy, what next though?


    2. What next, you say.

      I'll send you down the hundreds of Adler and Baccus Nap's I've got and you can work your way through them! I've no idea if I ever will :(
      [only joking]

    3. I very much doubt I will actually finish painting my 6mm Nap's, would be a sad day in may ways if I did.


  7. Very nice Ian, some of favourites.

    1. Yes they do look splendid charging all over the table. Next cavalry will probably be British for The Boy


  8. Replies
    1. Indeed, get them in there. Mind you having just finished a couple of phalanx it may be not a good idea to try charging them LOL



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