
Friday 11 September 2015

Friday Quiz 13 Unlucky for Some?

Image result for tiger I tank images

Friday snuck up on me, only got tomorrow off then back to work, so I had better get cracking

1. Who in 535BC lead the invasion by the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire of the Ostroagothic Kingdom originally founded by Theoderic the Great?

2. What is the name of the sloop that James Cook sailed on his second and third voyages in the pacific?

3. Who commanded the British Expeditionary Force at the start of WWI

4. Where and when was the first Tiger I (Panzer VI's) first used in combat?

5. Name the Stealth Bomber built by Northrop Grumman

So a bit later than usual, answers over the weekend or Monday

Answers a little bit early this week

1. Justinian I and yes adding AD would have helped a little but has has been mentioned no Byzantine Empire was around IN BC.

2. HMS Resolution for the second and third whilst the first was in the HMS Endeavour.

3. It was indeed Sir John French who interestingly started his military career as a Midshipman in the Royal Navy.

4. The Tigers were rushed into service weeks earlier than recommended on the 23rd September 1942 near Leningrad in muddy conditions that reduced their use and made the first combat trials disappointing.

5. B-2 Spirit, I thought it was a totally different plane.


  1. 1. Should that read 535AD? Don't know the answer anyway.
    2. Endeavor?
    3. Kitchener. A guess, as I doubt it was Haig.
    4. I knew it was 1942, but it turns out I got the wrong continent.
    5. I know this. Bugger. Just can't think... I can see it now. Just cheched. I got it wrong. I was numerically short by a unit.

    Roy @

    1. You are the first to be caught out with the ship mix up, not that I had a clue


  2. 1. There was no Byzantine Empire in 535 BC, assuming you mean AD, Justinian the Great
    2. HMS Resolution?
    3. John French
    4. Don't know, going to guess 1942, eastern front
    5. the B-2

    1. assuming I've not got them all horribly wrong, it felt a bit easier this week.

    2. They always seem easier when you know them LOL. Perfect score, so first one to do so this week


    3. Not quite perfect, my tank answer didn't get all the details, and I missed spirit on the B-2, 4.5 out of 5

    4. You might have not got all the detail but technically all answered correct so take the 5 and smile LOL


  3. 1. Go on, I give up.
    2. HMS Resolution.
    3. Sir John French.
    4. Russian Front (Leningrad?)
    5. B2

    1. Four out of five. It always impresses me when you guys score so high as the questions are such a wide spread of areas


  4. 1) Belisarius
    2) HMS Resolution
    3) Sir John French
    4) Leningrad Front, September 1942, in single file on swampy ground. Way to go, guys!
    5) B2

    1. Another four out of five and impressed regards extra detail on the Tiger.


  5. I got the tiger but with the rest I didn't seem so bright.

    1. Some of these were tough but the right questions for some of the guys obviously.



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