
Saturday 7 November 2015

Bautzen 1813 - Per Battle Reconnaissance

Sunday will see Lee, The Boy and myself play an adapted version of the Battle of Bautzen in our trusty 6mm and using what we hope to be the final version of our rules. Indeed if things go well with the rules we will be ready to play Project Waterloo at last. We both have around seventy five battalions of infantry each so it's still a chunk smaller than Waterloo but is big enough that we will get a real feel for how the rules cope with such numbers.

I personally think they will be fine, sure a game this size is bound to throw up a few issues but will at the same time actually smooth out some of the savage luck swings that you can get with dice games.

I will be commanding the Prussians and Russians, most of which have never been used in an actual game whilst Lee will command the French with a fair mix of Saxon, Wurttemburg and Italian troops. most of the allies have yet to also be played with. Indeed the MDF blocks you see on the photo above represent units I have yet to finish painting!!! Sunday morning should see me doing the last bits ready for the game that afternoon. These will all be Italian though a few of these will be standing in for Wuttemburg troops. Lee actually has these figures but they are yet to get to the front of the painting queue. Give us a year, maybe two and we will be able to field just about anything Napoleonic.

The game has given me the opportunity to actually start off Project 1812 Russia, as all the units I am painting up are from the Borodino OOB and I will be working in the odd unit onto the painting table to keep them ticking over. I also need to actually catalogue what I have already painted up French wise so as to have an idea just how much more I will need to paint up. 


  1. Wow that looks big and has the feel of a battle.

  2. Anything Napoleonic you say... [evil grin] Turks versus Russians? Egyptians versus French? British versus Danes? :))

    The table looks grand

  3. tremendous, now get painting

  4. Cracking... Get yourself across the river and into em I say


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