
Sunday 8 November 2015

Italian Napoleonic's

I have had a load of old Baccus French Napoleonic sculpts for ages with the plan of painting them up as some form of French allies and have finally been given a nudge to get some of them done. More than a bit of a nudge actually as I needed a few units for this weekends game.

First up two battalions of the 3rd Ligne Regiment. These though will be used as light battalions in our game as they are easy to tell apart from the other Italian battalions due to being based in the new style. The old castings have two drummers where the new ones have just the one drummer.

I have painted these up in the suggested white uniforms with green waistcoats the same as some of my battalions, others have green jackets. In our rules the Italian infantry are on a par with standard French line and lights.

More old castings, this time Chasseurs and again they share the attributes of their French equivalents. These are the 2nd Italian Chasseurs.

Then the 3rd Italian Chasseurs, not the best shot of them to be fair. These are standing in as Wurttemberg light cavalry, the drunken leader was later superglued back into position.

Last up two batteries of Italian Artillery. I will try and get better images when I bring them back from Lee's as the pics I have were very poor. They are dressed in rather nice green uniforms so it's a shame not to show them off.

As The Boy choose to fight on my side in charge of two divisions of Prussians these new figures are taking the table for the first time on the opposing side! Never mind, I do get to play with my Prussians which is an event all of it's own.

We have played seven turns of the game so far and it's been a lot of fun so far with both sides having a fair amount of drama. The rules are holding up at the moment, more on that in following posts.


  1. I do like the Italian army, but in our rules they're rather.....crap!

    1. The Neapolitan's were crap but the Italian troops were supposed to have been reasonably good. In our rules they just lack the special column rule otherwise they are the same as the French


  2. These seem to bring out the best of your skill Ian, great job.

    1. Thanks Michael, I do like the various allied troops as they add a splash of colour


  3. I really should do more 6mm games.

    1. Yes you should, I like the look of 6mm in that you can get a grand view if you like


  4. Great work again! And as always the bases really bring them to life.

    1. Thanks, though all my old Italian's and Neapolitans are all based my old style, Lee is making me rebase LOL



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