
Friday 20 November 2015

Friday Quiz 21

Fresh from two nights wargameing on the trot here is the quiz.

1. What year was the Battle of Bosworth Field fought? 

2. The Coldstream Guards is the oldest Regiment of the British army but for which war was it raised?

3. Name the king of Spain who's death triggered the Spanish War of Succession?

4. Name the first and last wars Armoured Trains where used?

5. Other than their religious links what links the Sexton and Bishop in the WWII Commonwealth armies?

A couple of odd balls this week, lets see how you do.

1. The battle of Bosworth was fought on the 22nd August 1485 and one hundred and fifty seven years to the day that Charles I raised his standard at Nottingham to signal the start of the First ECW.

2. The Coldstream Guards was raised by George Monck during the Second ECW (really an extension of the first) in 1660 as part of the New Model Army.

3. The Spanish king was Charles II

4. ACW saw the first use of armoured trains and the last use in action was the improvised ones used during the Second Chechen War by the Russians between 1999 and 2009.

5. The Sexton and Bishop are both forms of AFV.

Thanks again for all the answers.


  1. 1. 1485
    2. ECW
    3. Charles II
    4. ACW and WWII?
    5. 25pdr?

    Was talking about this withmy son-in-law thiss morning. he's thinking of doing something similar for his students, but not on Fridays - students don't do Fridays ;O)

    1. Close to a full set again Gary. Sounds like your son in law has a great idea LOL


  2. 1. 1485
    2. ECW
    3. Charles II (looked up)
    4. ACW and Second Chechen War (1999-2009) - looked up the last part
    5. Self propelled artillery

    1. for 4, reading a bit more, the last use in combat was during the Yugoslav wars in the 1990s. In the 2nd Chechen war, the armoured train(s) were improvised

    2. Good score again Tamsin, seems the armoured train went full circle as the ACW ones would have started off life improvised as well.


  3. 1) I knew this one.
    2) The War of 'Which One of Us Will Run The Bath'
    3) His Most Catholic Majesty ... Pass.
    4) When you say Train, do you mean a Bridal Train? I know some women go into marriages not exactly happy about the choice of bridegroom, but to wear an armoured bridal gown... Sheesh, good luck on that honeymoon. She's probably wearing steel knickers!
    5) They both actually existed on our plain of existence, as opposed to only being in somebody's imagination. Hah, tell me I'm wrong!

    1. Serious answer to question five
      5) Both were SP guns, allocated to the RA. Both featured a 25-pdr cannon and a 7.7mm Bren (Sexton featured two, actually). They both were used during 1943 (though the Bishop was withdrawn after this year).

    2. The lady in white and cold steel made me laugh :-)


  4. 1) No idea
    2) Prior to the ECW
    3) No idea
    4) Start - American civil war, End - Bosnian conflict - however North Korea has an armoured train used for visiting China and I have no doubt there are a few armoured trains collecting dust in various parts of the world.
    5) SP artillery.

    1. Got the last two questions right and soooo close with the second one, not at all bad


  5. !) 1485
    2) ....
    3) King I don't feel so well .... urrggggghhhh
    4) Russian Civil War
    5) Both used the same tank chassis

  6. Two spot on answers and you were right about those pesky Russians but just not the right war



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