
Sunday 22 November 2015

The Sixth Annual Analogue Painting Challenge and Side Duals.

The call for Curt's Analogue Painting Challenge has again been made and of course I have again taken up the challenge, I mean why would I not? 

This year as you will already be aware will not be a large showing for me as I just don't have as much time to paint as I have in previous challengers. The only thing I have going for me is that the winter weather should allow me more painting time on my days off than in recent months.

However I still feel I will have enough in the tank to make two challengers

Most points in 6mm. 
Each of the last four painting challengers has seen me run off a lot of 6mm, this year should again see this as a fairly major part of my painting again this year as I want to get my Macedonian army into gaming shape. However I also want to be far more varied this year so whilst 6mm will feature heavily I plan on doing plenty of 15 and 28mm

Most points in Ancients.
A bit of a cross over, I do have both 15 and 20mm Ancients as well as the 6mm so will be hopefully getting a mixed bag of points.

So does anyone fancy taking me on this year in a little side challenge?


  1. Looking forward in seeing all the entries made this year! Also jus launched a wargame give away to celebrate my 500 followers milestone so if you're interested in winning some wargame vouchers take a look here

    And as said looking forward in seeing your analogue hobbies painting entries!

  2. I may be up for the challenge. I have 2x28mm armies to paint - republican Roman and Carthaginian so if you are up for it so am I. Although in this case the more challengers the better I think

    1. I've never done the challenge before and not sure how it works but I have a hail Caesar army that needs to be assembled and painted...

    2. Martin, happy to take that challenge and yes more hats in the ring would be good.

      Mark, each figure gets a set amount of points, 6mm 1/2 point for infantry and 28mm 5 points for same. It's a great motivator


  3. I'm going in, but in a very small way. Trying to keep low key and mostly in the background this year.

    1. Nobody puts Anne in a corner ;-)

      Anyway it's not about producing tons of figures, rather it's to act as inspiration to paint

      Looking forward to seeing more of your work this year


  4. Good luck in the challenge, Ian! I am sure a few brave souls may step forward and accept your Side Duels.

    1. No one looks to like the 6mm idea LOL


  5. Replies
    1. and same to you Michael, looking forward to seeing you bonus round features


  6. Excellent news Ian - good luck!

    1. Thanks Paul, looking forward to the three months of eye candy it brings



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