
Wednesday 22 June 2016

Casualty Marker 1st Hussars

Old Glory supply a standard bearer in their SYW Prussian Hussars which is a shame as the Hussars did not carry standards! Rather than waist it I decided to paint it up and use as a casualty marker. I can only hope not to need it too often.

We are creeping ever closer to getting a game in with the SYW. Lee has based up some cavalry and infantry as well as painting up yet more. I have yet to base up more than one heavy cavalry base as I don't want to base up too many before painting them.

At the moment I am basing up three command bases and three 6mm British Napoleonic British for The Boys army. Close behind these are three bases of 6mm Persian bow units. Only then will I get back to the SYW with one or two cavalry regiments and a couple of grenadier battalions. I also need to get started on The Boy's French SYW, it seems I have my work cut out for me.

Talking of other projects I mentioned recently I plan on starting the Polish for Project Russia 1812, well so far nothing has been ventured but in a Lee kind of way I also have some French artillery limbers, caissons and guns, though some will be painted up as Italian so as to finish off my Italian commitment to Project Russia 1812. So something is coming towards finished I guess.


  1. Lovely job Ian, glad to see he didn't go to waste.

    1. Me too, though I don't want to use him too much LOL


  2. The hussars from Essex come with standard bearers as well - I converted the standards to sabres for mine with some judicious snipping and filing. Blue Moon hussar command packs appear to be just officer and trumpeter.

    Nice repurposing of the ensign as a casualty marker :)

    1. Will be looking at Blue Moon come the Worlds, I can't see me running out before then.


  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, looks like he will get some action in a couple of weeks



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