
Thursday 16 June 2016

von Szekely Hussars SYW

It's not often that I don't enjoy painting something and even less that it effects the finished result but these sit in that group. I am not saying I did a bad job but they could and should have been better. Given the new size of cavalry units I should buy another pack so that I am able to generate three units but at the moment I just don't want to.

These are Old Glory as supplied by Timecast and whilst they have the detail that the infantry get the sculpting seems to have been done by someone else. Whilst the riders were quite easy to clean up the mounts were less so, especially the horses with closed legs (front) which were just too much trouble to separate. Right from first inspection I was disappointed with them so I did not enter the process with a positive view.

It's not all bad, they paint up well but maybe it's the uniform colour which looked really ugly before the ink wash was applied but I found myself cutting corners to get them finished which just adds to the annoyance.

Regiment One all ride chestnuts with white tails but I wanted a bit of a campaign look about them so have a few riding either chestnuts with brown tails or horses of other colours. Just wait till I do one with dapples! I am pleased how the braiding came out on the pelisse which was a great bit of sculpting. 

For all the moans above I am happy with the look and look forward to using them in games. I will be needing other Hussar units later but before that I will paint up their heavier brothers.

Originally we were going with two bases 60x30 with a total of eight figures for light cavalry and ten for the heavies. However on seeing the SYW game by I think Nottingham Outlaws we were struck by the mass look of the cavalry and decided to copy it. Light cavalry will have ten figures and heavier types will have 14-16 figures per unit, quite a bit more painting to be done then.

The new bases are 60x60 with two per regiment allowing us to use some form of column. The obvious side effect other than time to paint is the extra outlay we have committed too. It could get worse as I will be looking at Blue Moon as an alternative to Old Glory but that choice will wait till after I have painted up a few Lancashire Games regiments.


  1. Huzzah for hussars! They still look great Ian, even if you didn't like the sculpts or enjoy painting them. :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin, I do wish I added the extra work but just could not face it :-(


  2. I haven't bought Old Glory cavalry or quite some time, I remember them being quite fragile thing?? They do look rather tasty though, Ian.

    1. I have not found them fragile though the metal is really tough to cut through which is why I gave up between the legs.


  3. Very nice work on the cav Ian!

  4. Not a big OG fan myself, but th finished unit looks just great. Well done.

    1. Thanks Peter, the infantry are fine if a little tedious due to the many slight differences but were worth the effort


  5. You certainly wouldn't have suspected the trouble they caused you looking at the finished results Ian.

    1. Thanks Michael, I am happy with the result overall


  6. Great job on these hussars, congrats!

    1. Cheers Phil, will be some time till I get round to doing more Hussars as their bigger brothers are calling


  7. Hey Ian - I popped in to say Happy Father's Day :-)

    1. Thanks Happy, was working but still had some good time with the wife and kids :-)


  8. It's a shame but you pays your money... Just glad I did not buy more than I did



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