
Thursday 17 November 2016

Regiment 3 Truchseb Dragoons - Prussian SYW

In a recent post regarding my second regiment of Cuirassiers I mentioned I thought the Dragoons were better looking models. Well you can now judge for yourself.

These are Regiment number 3 Truchseb Dragoons originally raised at the end of December 1704 by baron von Derfflinger (just had to mention that!) It saw service in the Spanish Succession and Dragoon Regiment Number 4 was formed out of part of this regiment.

The regiment was renamed Grenadiers zu Pferde in 1714 but before the SYW replaced the mitre cap with the tricorn. Friedrich Ludwig Truchseb count zu Waldburg commanded the regiment at the start of the SYW.

The regiment was part of the army that invaded Saxony which is the army I have been basing my own army on. This makes less sense than you would expect given my main opponents will be Austrian and Russian but it works well enough for me.

The horse figures are nicely shaped and sized. These are figures I will be happy to reorder, indeed will be reordering soon. I have enough figures for a second regiment but aim to have at least four regiments by the end of the painting challenge. 

The figures are from Lancashire Games Prussian SYW range and needed some clean up but nothing more than normal. They painted up quickly with the right amount of detail for me. I could have painted the cords off the right shoulder but I ignored that bit of detail.

I just gave them three black horses as I suspect most of the available blacks would have been taken by their heavier friends. I was attracted to this regiment as the mix of colours make them that little bit more interesting. I have five to six regiments to choose from for the invasion of Saxony. After that I will have to spread my net a bit wider if I feel the need to expand it further.

Before the Challenge starts I would like to get that second regiment painted up but standing in the way is a couple of command stands a regiment of grenadiers and basing up of a few more SYW bits I finished off this morning instead of sleeping.

I was walking The Boy to school this morning and chatting about how many unpainted figures I have left and was wondering how many were not 6mm. Well I have a total of 5007 figures awaiting paint of which a little over 700 are between 32 and 15mm and you guessed it the majority do happen to be SYW!

As for the 6mm the vast majority are Napoleonic, the surprise is that Ancients are not the second largest subset. That is the ECW and having read quite a bit on the ECW expect more of these crossing the table during the challenge. 

6mm Ancients in fact is mostly done. I have a few big units to paint up as well as command bases but I can see Baccus getting another order before the challenge finishes, mostly for more pike as I will certanly have some of these cross the table during the challenge.


  1. Nice brushwork, great to see a bit of pink as well!

    1. I picked the unit for the pink as I thought it would really pop, glad I did


  2. Impressive and superb unit!

    1. Thanks Phil, just have the one left in hand then I will just have to buy more :-)


  3. Great job and my what a paint queue you have!

    1. If I was to list them all I think I would possibly give up, still I am actually bringing the total down so that's something


  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Tamsin, just a few more cavalry units between me and the boy at the moment


  5. Excellent work with the brush Ian!

  6. Lovely! I'd be rather intimidated by your painting queue though ;-)

    1. So am I!! I am hoping the painting challenge brings it more into hand than it is at the moment


  7. Sweet, Lovely looking troops!!!


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