
Wednesday 16 November 2016

The Wargame Curse

Something most wargames have done at least once and few actually enjoy is the rebasing of figures. I actually did not find these an issue but ask me again when I have finished doing them all.

After my last game with Matt I decided I really needed to rebase. The movement trays work well enough but when you have six or more units in a line it adds quite a bit to the length.

It also means I will be able to change the actual basing style to my current look which in itself is a major improvement.

So this makes two blocks done with I think five to follow. I also have the figures in hand to paint up another two blocks. I will be buying two packs of pile from Age of Empires that will give me another three blocks but that will be something for next year. This year I hope to paint up a couple of Companion cavalry units I bought in March!

Meanwhile a lot less painting this last week though I have managed to paint up a few bits. My main focus has been prepping figures ready to paint. Not only for the Challenge but also the run up but I have now prepped more than I expect to paint during the Challenge itself.

 I hope to get a couple more blocks done before the challenge starts but I doubt more will be done during the challenge. I also plan to rebase all the other units with the old flock finish, that's a lot of figures so if I have them all done for this time next year I will have done well.

I already know I can't make Warhammer in March and with Triples cancelled I can only hope I make York in February, otherwise it's going to be a long gap between shows. I still have plenty of figures in hand (over 5,000) and actually still have plans on painting most of them but I still find myself needing different figures LOL.


  1. A wonderful and gorgeous wall of pikes!

    1. I do like my pike, must be having faced them so often with my Persians


  2. You always need more figures Ian, even if you don't really need them!

    1. I know and once I get down to below 5,000 I will start to itch for more. I am trying to get down to 4,000 before I buy any more 6mm but I am not expecting to manage that LOL


  3. What is the base size difference. The new basing certainly looks good but weren't your old bases similar in size? Always been a fan of massed bases...

    1. Good question. The base size is the same as the individual bases two wide and four deep so no different from just leaving them on the old bases but a lot less fiddly. However as I have been using movement trays the size had increased by about 4mm per block so when I fight six blocks wide I add about 24mm to the frontage which actually does throw off the frontage quite a bit


  4. Very tidy, I would be worried about impaling myself on those pikes if I had to rebase them though.

    1. Thanks Michael, these can come a bit keen but low danger of drawing blood but the next lot all have metal piano wire spears, they will leave a mark!


  5. Rebasing is indeed a pain but those were definitely worth it - they look grand!

  6. Cheers Paul. It certainly will encourage me to do more before I get involved in the challenge, though I can see me doing a few during the challenge as well



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