
Tuesday 8 November 2016

Regiment No.7 von Driessen Cuirassiers 15mm Lancashire Games SYW

I have to admit I was not really too happy with the finish on my last unit of Cuirassiers, mostly because I had not bothered inking and over painting the jackets white area's. The result was a rather bland blanket white. With these I made the extra effort which I am much happier about. Of course it helps that the colour in this case is off white not full on white.

I still find the Lancashire Games heavy horse too thin for my taste but I have not qualms sticking them on the table. Indeed I will be quite happy thrusting these into the next game. 

For £15 you can buy a 24 figure pack that you need to then add command too. In our case two sets of three figures make up, yes you guessed it two regiments of Cuirassiers. So two regiments of sixteen figures cost £19, not far from half the price of Old Glory (Timecast) so a nice saving. I am in the closing stages of painting up a Dragoon Regiment from Lancashire Games which to me are better than these guys and will happily buy enough for another four regiments when I next order.

These are more interesting than the first regiment (No.3 Leibregiment zu Pferde) to look at with more colour. I went with two standards as I had the spare figure allowing me to have the colonels and squadron flags on. These are the same supplier as I used for The Boys regiment of Dragoons.

As I mentioned above I have almost finished a Dragoon regiment for my army, just varnish and flag to do so I am cracking on with my aim of painting up enough figures to get a fully painted game played. Of course I set that task to be done by the end of the challenge so maybe just maybe I will have to think up a few extra units as well.

So I will soon have four units of painted cavalry to play with, I still need to finish off a battalion of converged Grenadiers and two command stands for this army that are already started. Once these are done it's onto more Dragoons for The Boy, after that I guess it will be a couple more guns and the last Dragoon regiment. However before that I plan to finish off a couple of other already started mini's.


  1. While I have no Lancashire cavalry from the SYW period, I find the cavalry from the mid-19th Century period a little thin when viewed fore-to-aft too. Skinny but good, solid figures. I wish command was available for the mid-19thC range.

    1. The Dragoons for the SYW look a lot better as you will see when I get pics of them sorted. I remember in the old days most units had no command, especially cavalry but now it seems odd not to have command figures.


  2. These look rather good Ian and a decent price to boot.

    1. I think price to quality these do make a good purchase


  3. Replies
    1. It is growing on me and I will be getting extra play from mine as I have two opponents with armies to fight


  4. Superb uniform and superb job!


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