
Friday 25 November 2016

Thanks Lee

I went over to Lee's to continue a 6mm game we are currently playing, lets call it the last big play test before Waterloo. He had already said he had accidentally bid on a painted SYW Prussian Hussar unit that if he won I could have. Turns out he had also bid on some painted Prussian light infantry as well which had arrived by the time I turned up for the game.

So Lee handed these over as a thank you for painting up his 6mm ECW that I am part way through. Indeed these and mine will see painting time during the challenge. I was dropping off a gun crew and three command stands for said army.

Neither Lee or myself know the maker of these figures so help would be appreciated. We also talked about basing up the light infantry as standard battalions as they have roughly the same establishment as regular infantry battalions. This is why I am showing bases with six figures rather than the three I was basing them to before.

I had six figures left over so decided to base these up so I can swap two of the six figure bases for the three to show they are in open order. So I get to add a unit of infantry to my army with the only effort on my part was to base them, not bad at all.

Lee meanwhile is still adding to his Russian and Austrian armies so we are not that far away from being able to play a fully painted game. Whilst I am low on cavalry figures I have plenty of guns, crews, infantry and command to make a reasonably big force. As such I suspect I will only be adding more cavalry to my lead pile for the time being. The Boy though will be needing both infantry and cavalry for his French but he will wait till the next show we attend I think as he still has plenty to keep me busy.


  1. Replies
    1. It gives me three battalions of lights so I won't need any more


  2. Nice figures Ian, these are my beloved Essex minis, I've painted many of these beauties in my time!!

    1. They are indeed Ray, thanks for the link, I can see some money going the was of Essex at some point.


  3. Those are lovely figures, are they 15mm Essex?
    Thanks for posting.
    Will Harley

    1. They are Will, I have some Old Glory that should make the blog in the next 7-10 days, especially if I am up at 3.30 again!!!!


  4. Replies
    1. Me and Lee have a strange thing going where we do tend to do stuff like this. I really am having difficulty believing he bought both by mistake lol


  5. Really helps to build my army, just need to get more cavalry and guns done then it will be a bit more balanced



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