
Sunday 4 December 2016

SYW Prussian Converged Grenadiers

Been a gap in posting, lots of reasons none of them that good but I am back with something new to show you. Whilst I have not blogged for over a week I have been painting and prepping, sometimes at real stupid times but until I can get back to normal I will be taking advantage of the opportunities LOL.

I finally finish off the second battalion I have of Old Glory (via Timecast) these also being a converged battalion made up of the grenadiers of the 24/34th regiments. These are a little more interesting as the two regiments did not have a matching uniform. The trousers and waste-coats being yellow for the 34th and white for the 24th.

The mitres are also quite different with the 34th having silvered plates (during campaign the silver paste would sometimes come off leaving them with a brass finish. The 24th have the standard brass plates. The rear of the hats also are different, represented here with different shades of blue. Rather than mix them together I have them half and half as I think that would be the way they would organise them. Especially when first brought together to aid unit cohesion.

Old Glory as you would expect supply a good looking set of figures which adds to the painting time but gives plenty of reward for spending the time.

I really enjoyed painting these guys and these make my infantry quite a force, really need to get a few more cavalry and a gun or two painted. I will be getting four dragoon regiments for Christmas so expect more horse flesh to been seen in the new year.

I have prepped quite a few figures for the coming challenge but only three guns and crews for the SYW so I need to get a few battalions at least prepared over the next three weeks. Especially as I plan to paint up a few for The Boy. 

Not that I plan to stop painting till the challenge starts but most of what I will paint will be single figures. I have also been preparing for when I make holes in the painting queue. First up the four regiments of dragoons. Also the long planned 6mm figures to extend the pike phalanxes. Enough figures for another four units. If things go really well I could have them finished by the end of the challenge. If so then the Macedonians will probably be halted until I can get a fair few more Persians painted up to balance the numbers.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray, got more SYW coming in the challenge


  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Tamsin, just loaded up the generals I painted up on the back of these


  3. Replies
    1. Cheers Roger, I have one more Old Glory then onto some Lancashire Games grenadiers


  4. Great job, they look superb!


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