
Tuesday 31 March 2015

Mad as a March Hare and Three Months In

As it's not only the end of the month but the first quarter. At the end of last year I came up with a few aims and completed some and forgot the rest so I thought it might be a good idea to remind myself of where I am.

Aims for 2015.
Finish Matt's Zulu's before the end of February.
Get all the Waterloo buildings finished before the end of March.
Paint up at least eight points of Vikings in the year (including painted troops)
Get the WWI planes painted and get a few games in with the boy.
Get the Roman army finished before end of May
Paint up enough 6mm Ancients that I can have a game with them.
Buy and paint up a number of Celtic Warbands for Hail Caesar in 1/72, the buying is sorted.
Paint up the Arena Rex gladiators and get a few games under my belt.
Start a new 6mm Napoleonic Army, certainly the Poles but probably the Spanish as well.
Continue painting yet more Prussians, French and French allies in 6mm, no way am I finished with the two main forces I have worked on so far.

Well I managed the Zulu's so a good start, I have not managed to finish the Waterloo buildings though they will get finished soon, shall we say by the end of the month for the ones I have on hand?
I also have the eight points of Saga though yet to get another game in but with the kids off over Easter will try and get a couple in.
Total fail on the WWI planes, really need to try and get on to these soon but not feeling no urge at the moment.
The Romans will be finished this week so nicely ahead of time, just a couple of bow armed units need finishing and a bunch of basing.
The 6mm Ancients have gone well this year, still way short of enough for a game but it looks very likely I will get enough done this side of winter.
Started to paint the warbands up and will get my first unit/s finished before April is finished.
Arena Rex has been left till after the Challenge and will be started soon, I want them either finished in time for the next Challenge or at least enough to get a few games in.
The 6mm Naps army will be the British and will be for my son, that starts real soon as I am doing another mates and can't leave my son out can I?
Have more Prussians on the paint desk at the moment and painted up a few French earlier in the month. Plenty more to paint and will keep adding units as I go, this will be how the Poles get into the roster though the Spanish and Portuguese will get some love before the years through.

So overall not too bad a showing against my aims and most should be reached at some point in the year but how does this fit in with reducing the mountain?

6mm has taken a back seat this month with only two Battalions getting painted and whilst not having bought any 6mm in the month  I am in the red in all categories except the infantry. Good job then that I have plans to get through a lot more 6mm this month.

15mm on the other hand has seen more figures painted for the second month running. Only two infantry figures (more on those cheeky chaps in a future post) and fifty five cavalry figures. This leaves me sixteen half painted infantry to go for a finished project. Great stuff.

20mm has stayed stagnant apart from nine part painted test figures, but these will also come along this month and should see a lot of improvement over the next few months.

28mm saw a rather large increase in my holding of infantry when I traded figures for painting a mates figures. Now I have eighty six more figures than I started the count with. Well since June last year I have painted 107 28mm infantry so it is possible I can get this figure down some over the rest of the year but I doubt I will get them back in the black for a fair amount of time yet but I plan to try.

Monday 30 March 2015

Another Present :-) 6mm Star Fort originally supplied by Baccus

Matt was throwing this out and asked me if I was interested in it? I was really surprised Matt was getting rid of this as I really like it. I don't know the make but it's a 6mm Star Fort that is anything but small.

Matt's issue with the fort is all to do with the size of the walls that run round the upper structure. Even figures without bases would be visible from the waste up. The bases turn that into ankles up, which spoils the look for Matt to such a point he will not use them.

The artillery bases are each 30x30mm to give an idea of scale of the fort. I think it will really work well with the Leven buildings I have been making my town out of. Some of the walls have broken away but overall it's in good condition and just needs washing and cleaning up ready for painting.

Two wall sections have gateways, unfortunately the worst damage of all the pieces is to one of the gates but can easily be made into battle damage. 

The photo is not as good as I thought but shows the detail of the interior gate. I see Matt's point about the parapet's height but I can live with it and once I have all the Waterloo buildings finished this will be on the table and built.

The set also comes with a damaged redoubt and wall section. I will be keeping the whole set as modular for games where the full set is not required or where longer wall sections are needed etc.

The wall section shows a breach and I can imagine it being stormed and the amount of units thrown at it before managing to force the defence. 

A close up of the fort, again I can almost see Sharpe scrabbling over the huge stone bricks. Leven has already done some work on a earlier periods fortifications and I look forward to getting my hands on some of those as well in the future.

So when Lee and I finally get round to using the full wealth of Napoleonic Nations I am sure we will be getting some use out of these. So a big thank you to Matt and I hope I do these justice.

Friday 27 March 2015

Empress Dragoons Adler 6mm Thanks Lee

I was over at Lee's a couple of weeks ago discussing the terrain boards and before leaving he gave me this rather splendid present.

Turns out that Lee had fumbled his check units owned  roll and ended up with two units of Empress Dragoons for his Guard. Would I want them? Well of course it would be rude to say no so I brought them home and finished off the basing (base sanded just needed the sand painting and then flocking).

So another unit for my fledgling Guard that I plan to add to later this year and possibly be one of the big projects for next year. The figures are typically very nice as you expect from Adler and have been painted to a high standard indeed.

A nice mix of horse flesh as well, so a big thank you to Lee and I hope they prove decisive in a future game, in my favour of course ;-)

Thursday 26 March 2015

La Belle Alliance For Sale

As I am going with the Leven model for Project Waterloo I am looking to sell my Timecast model. This will be a first come basis if someone want's it via the blog. Simply message me via the Email me tag on the right, leave a message here or on Facebook if your reading this there.

I am looking for £10 plus cost of posting for this and can except PayPal or other methods such as Cheque etc. I only charge the actual postage charge as I have plenty of packaging hanging around.

If it is still available on Saturday I will be putting it on E-bay but I wanted you guys first dibs at it. I will also be putting some figures up for sale on e-bay that are left overs from my Persian Army that under FoG are excess, just need to neaten them up and rebase.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Replacement Killers Gripping Beast Style

Whilst I am a fan of the vast majority of my Black Tree Design Vikings I had two models that I was less fond of and as such choose to replace them and give the two unwanted lads to my son as he is now starting work on his second Saga Army.

I actually plan to have another go at adding a banner to the spear as I have one banner with my Little Big Man Shield decals I bought with the plastic Vikings so you may see the guy on the right again if that works out.

I realise the guy on the left would be a commander and not strictly Viking but he is a mean looking bugger so will get used for sure.

I really like the animation of the spearman and I am pleased to report that the Black Tree Miniatures and Gripping Beast fit together very well allowing you to have a great mix in your units without it being obvious they are different suppliers.

The figures got block painting, ink wash added by brush and then highlight picked out in the original colour. I now have a reasonable sized warband but have loads of figures that I plan to paint up to allow us to try a few larger none Saga games. In the meantime we just need to find time to play Saga again!

Tuesday 24 March 2015

La Belle Alliance Face Off

OK this is actually light hearted so please don't take a fence (or hedge) on the following....

I decided some time ago that the only reviews worth a jot are those that you actually paint up the figures, buildings etc. Too often something is rather dull looking but paints up lovely or you find on painting that a strap somehow goes missing on one side of the mini whilst it's bold as brass on the other side. So after painting these fine models what's my thoughts?

Well as I expected both painted up well with plenty of detail and the sculpting made the job easy for both. Small details are different on the models such as the shutters and some of the windows as you can see from the picture above. I chose not to paint the black lower brick section on the Leven models as that looks to be a modern change same as the grey roof tiles that I missed off entirely. However the black trim is almost a must on the Timecast version as mentioned in the earlier post.

There is a slight difference to the small chimney stack as well, I like the way the Leven one pokes over the edge of the roof but that's just a personal taste rather than one is more accurate that the other. One point of correction to my previous post (and reason painting is important) the Leven building does have a slight plinth type edge to it but fortunately can be painted over. I would advise to remove it if possible from production as I know the other Leven buildings don't have it and may be a nod at the black lower wall of the modern building. In all it's a small quibble.

It's round the back that Timecast has an advantage over the Leven building, whilst I doubt the items stacked out back would have long disappeared by the time the battle was fought they really do add to the model and with a bit of effort painting the crates up in different colours you can have a nice distraction. Again slight differences such as the windows set them apart a little but again without actually pointing to one being the better.

So at the end of the day not a lot separates these two models from each other. With the Timecast building 25% larger it may attract the 10mm gamer more for those who scale down. Those who want to pack the table full with figures and fight Waterloo then maybe the Leven one would be the choice. I think I prefer the Timecast roof finish over the Leven model but I stress that it's no deal clencher and I repeat that if I could I would have a finish somewhere between Timecasts neat rows and Leven's lived in look. In neither case would I be put off buying the model and in many cases the Leven roof style really is a selling point for me.

As you can see from these Adler cavalry both fit the scale well if at different ends of it. Leven tip the balance for me in regards purchasing, but do so with the view that Leven have a range already in place to support Waterloo and beyond which is crucial. I have a bunch of Timecast buildings and they are actually the better models in isolation but 6mm seems to have become a backwater for Timecast whilst it's the lifeblood of Leven. Leven also continue to expand both the Napoleonic range but also plenty of others including other new ranges I am unable to speak of. In all honesty their is so little to choose between the two models and will be very much down to what you already own but if your just starting out or wanting to refresh then it's a no brainer, it has to be Leven as they whip everyone on the key points of price, range and future releases.

On a slight change of topic but related, See note below and thanks to Tamsin for bringing it to my attention) Total Battle Miniatures have stated they will be releasing Waterloo buildings this year and whilst they are a closer fit to Timecast than Leven no sign of these buildings yet and with the anniversary coming on fast they need to get cracking if they want them on the table painted in time for all those games that will be going off through this year.

Typical I checked yesterday and did not see anything but I can report they have released a rather large range that you can see here. Please note these have a smaller footprint than the typical TBM buildings so as to work with big games. Not sure if they will fit with their other buildings by just having less buildings or that they have made the buildings smaller. Looks to me to be a mix of the two. Again thanks to Tamsin for bringing this to my attention.

Monday 23 March 2015

The Youth of Yesterday

It seems that one thing remains constant through time and that's the general misbehaviour of youth. So it's only fitting this is represented on the tabletop. The idea came to me too late to use in the Comedy slot.

This dear boy is showing his disdain of the Norman's by using his head, just not the one he should! I don't know who makes the figure but as I got it from Gary Amos with a load of Gripping Beast I am thinking he me be said suppliers.

As the figure lacks a lot of detail it was fairly quick to paint up. Seeing as the lads acting like a peasant I dressed him in drab colours and off set this with a bright shield as I wanted most attention to be there and the stream of urine was provided by soft plastic glue, he obviously is a fan of Luke Skywalker too.

So a nice quick paint and a fun diversion, he will find his way into my shield walls but like my son I don't rate his chances of staying alive too long :-)

Sunday 22 March 2015

Baccus British and Hanoverian Infantry

I should catch up with the final submissions for the Analogue Challenge over this week. I may even have a unit or three finished by Friday of new stuff but I am making no promises.

These ten Battalions can be added to the four painted a few weeks before and complete the British standard Infantry for the Reserve Corp. I still need to paint up three Battalions in kilts, one Rifle Battalion and a further six battalions of Hanoverian's. This coming week should see the Hanoverian segment at least started but possibly even finished, I even have the flags for them!

It's great that I am getting to base them as well, though I have just found out I need to also paint up the skirmishers for them as well on 30x30 bases so will need to get these ordered for Steve to pick up at Salute.

These three battalions are 1st Battalion 32nd Regiment, 1st Battalion 28th Regiment and 2nd Battalion 44th Regiment.

The lovely blue Colour's belong to 3rd Battalion 1st Regiment and 1st Battalion 4th Regiment. The 1st Regiment received one of the blue colours from the Baccus Guard flag sheet as it most represented their colour's from the flag sheets I had and are a good fit.

These brave boys are the 1st Battalion of the 27th Regiment and 2nd Battalion of the 81st Regiment. These colours are more vibrant than the earlier buff coloured colours. I am working from my list so hope I have noted them correctly, though I know they are labelled correctly on the figures bases.

Last but not least for the British is the 1st Battalion of the 40th Regiment. I did have a second white colour to add to the previously painted bunch which was on the flag sheet Kev got for me from Baccus at Hammerhead.

Since posting these on the Challenge blog I have managed to get them flagged after Lee supplied me with some flags he has left over from his mass flagging session. I have enough Hanoverian flags to flag up the last six Battalions so have no excuse not to get on with them soon. I plan to do a little conversion work to mix in a few caps into the other units to make them stand out that bit more. Lets see if that lasts beyond contact with reality.

Once I have these done I will probably move onto the cavalry rather than wait for the Salute reinforcements, that or the artillery. Well that and my son's as I really need to get these started for him but I will want to fit in a few bases for myself somewhere in the mix.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Building of the Week - Timecast and Leven Get it On

Ok so it's been over a month since the last Building of the Week so I thought I should heat it up a bit. Some of you will remember my buying the Timecast La Belle Alliance at The Worlds last year. I still had not started it when news of Leven Miniatures announced they would also be adding this building to their Napoleonic range. Well given that all the other buildings in our Waterloo game are going to be Leven I decided I would have to wait and get the new building once it was ready. Whilst not yet available for sale Mike was kind enough to send me a couple of the test pieces, one for me and one for me to paint for his display stock. 

As such the Timecast building was likely to be surplus to requirements unless the Leven one was a real dog. That is not a statement of prejudice against Timecast, they make great looking buildings but more that it makes absolute sense to use all Leven to keep all the buildings the same exact scale.

The Timecast building is at the back with the Leven front right. As can be seen the Timecast building is about 25% larger than the Leven model so it's a big difference. Detail wise the differences are much smaller as you would expect given both companies are producing models of an historic building.

In both cases the quality of the model is high, Timecast provides a VERY neat tiled roof whilst the Leven roof is of slightly larger tiles with bigger gaps. This really should be a negative for Leven and I am sure that will be the case for some people, for me it makes the building look a little more lived in and I like the effect though I would actually prefer a finish somewhere between the two. In fact neither finish would put me off either building.

Timecast also have a tendency to add small extra details to their buildings, usually bushes and in this case it's barrels and boxes. I am always torn by these additions as the buses just don't paint up well for me, though I have learnt to cover them with clump foliage which works well and enhances the finished model. In this case the additions will paint up a treat though I would suspect in real life these items would be hidden away or stolen by one side or the other.

One effect that always annoys me regards Timecast is the bottom 1mm (ish) of the base of the building. The way Timecast cast thei models they seem to have to have this area of no detail whilst Leven have full detail to the very bottom. Fortunately in this models case the bottom few rows of the wall are painted black and this will help hide the unfortunate aspect.

This has to be set against Leven's issue of the outbuilding joint on the door side. As can be seen on the photo above it looks quite unsightly after I primed both models and was a fly in the ointment at this point.

However I am happy to say that once I set about painting the building the crack faded out of sight on both models I am working on and looks not to be a factor for finished models. 

Both suppliers models have a few casting defects, resin bubbles for Leven and air bubbles for Timecast. In both cases prep work can sort these out. For Leven popping off the bubbles with a scalpel which is easy. Better still any you miss that show up on priming can still be popped off without leaving a mark. For Timecast you can fill the holes without too much effort or indeed just paint round them as at table top view they disappear into the model so again not a real issue unless your seeking perfection.

I am about half way through painting these buildings at the moment and am pleased with the results up to date. I think given the points I have made so far the biggest factor in which to buy disregarding price will be size, which suits you the most, though in the Waterloo game this building is far enough away from other buildings to even make this point somewhat mute.

On the subject of price the Timecast building costs £6.00 whilst I have yet to find out how much the Leven one will be though I am sure it will be at least 25% lower based on the other buildings within the range but that's a guesstimate.

Early next week I will have all three models finished and post the results here. After that the Timecast building is Ebay bound unless someone here wants it before it gets it's marching orders.

Friday 20 March 2015

Vth Analogue Challenge Cool Down & Presents

So another Painting Challenge comes to an end and poor Curt can try and gather his breath post mayhem of the final days submissions.
I am really pleased with this years results having painted up a rather epic number of figures and gaining 2025 points, slightly over my revised aim and twice that of the original expected score. At the start I wanted to finish in the top twenty, something I thought might be a task given the original 71 painters under starters orders. I revised that to hoping to stay in the top ten and was really surprised and pleased that I managed to finish ninth, so the final figure count:-

Fifty Four 28mm Infantry
Two 28mm Mounted

Thirty Eight 20mm Infantry
Three 20mm Tanks

Two Hundred and Eight 15mm Infantry
Forty Eight 15mm Cavalry

One Thousand and Seventy Two 6mm Infantry
Forty Four 6mm Mounted Figures
Sixty Four Crew and Sixteen guns in 6mm

Not the best number of 6mm figures during the challenge but fairly close and a figure I am happy with. As for the 15mm I don't think I have ever done so many in a three month period.

So a great challenge and as always a great deal of thanks and applause for Curt who is systematically sending wargamers bust all over the globe ;-)

I also mentioned presents in the post title. Wednesday was my Birthday and I got the latest expansion for Command & Colours Napoleonic, that being the Prussians from the wife and kids. Spent Wednesday evening putting the stickers on and will be taking it for a test drive tonight with my son.

Being a difficult bugger to buy for I mostly got gaming tokens (hard cash) but my sister went out on a limb and bought me Wolf Hall in the hope it would be of interest. I think she scored on this, yet to start it but I have been spending lots of time trying to get through my current novel so as to be able to get this one started. It's especially nice to get something like this when you know so much thought (and worry) went into it's selection and whilst the money to spend on the hobby is really good getting something like this is even better :-)

Thursday 19 March 2015

Chapei Chockblock AAR Bounding Fire

One of the packs I am playing through from start to finish is the excellent Blood & Jungle by Bounding Fire. This pack is all Pacific Theatre of Operations (PTO) and covers battles within the jungle, around airfields and even in towns and cities. This scenario is one of these city fights set in Shanghai.

Known as the first Shanghai Incident in which a series of confrontations led to a full scale assault on the 5th February 1932. In the event the Chapei district of Shanghai had been barricaded and that with the narrow streets made the effective use of armour by the Japanese almost impossible. Whilst gains were made it was not the expected result and the Japanese Army had to send further troops to support the Kurume Navel Infantry Brigade. Could I do better as the attacking Japanese?

The scenario uses the more cluttered half of the first Double Boards produced by Bounding Fire which is a joy to play on even if it did make using tanks a nightmare. I would need to capture five multi-hex buildings towards the rear of the Chinese set-up area. To do this I had eighteen second line squads (not the usual troops one expects to start the game with), a couple of MMG's four LMG's and five tanks and an armoured car. Rob had just twelve squads at start, five of which were conscripts. He also had two 75* ART guns, two HMG's and two LMG's. He also had eight dummy counters and as I started off board all units were concealed. To help keep the tanks at a distance two roadblocks and six trench locations were in his OOB. Turn five (of 8) would see five squads and two tanks arrive.

A quick word on the tanks, only one of the eight AFV's had a main gun larger than a MG and that was my Type 89A Chi-Ro with a 57* a real tank killer amongst these tin cans. Even a LMG can take out a tank at this point in time.

Both Banzai and Dare Death are not allowed in this scenario so I can't do any close quarter charges into melee and Rob can not got Berserk to do the same to me.

I was able to get a good starting position for my infantry and make large fire groups to start pushing the Chinese away from the road I would need to cross. At first I kept the tanks back to save them from close assault and limit the risk from the MG's taking them out or immobilizing them. My advancing fire and defensive fire of the following turn created enough gaps in the Chinese line that I was able to get units across the first road without too many casualties and no squads destroyed. 

The Chinese HMG's are 5pp guns meaning they were dropped when the squads were broken. So fast was my advance that I had to leave these behind as I was continually trying to get behind the Chinese defensive line. This forced Rob to leave his positions in the centre as I moved up his flanks. It also meant that he was losing broken troops for failure to rout. I was taking them prisoner at this point to make sure I got the maximum out of breaking Rob's troops.

Rob brought one of his guns out of hiding but failed to get any decent results as he missed my flanking tanks and lost the gun to a Intensive Fire shot as he expected it to be overrun in the following turn.

By the end of turn four I had most of the victory buildings in my hands whilst only a couple of squads were still in good order from the original force. The second ART opened up missing a sitting target and again lost to an intensive fire shot as I moved to take the gun out in close combat.

I finally mopped up the last resistance in the victory buildings on turn six before the reinforcements could get to the buildings. By this point I had overwhelming odds and Rob needed a few breaks to go his way, kind of breaking the trend to this point. However I was able to shrug off most of his shots whilst a MMG took out one of his tanks and I continued with heavy fire into the troops preparing to cross the street and try and recapture one of the buildings. The Chinese started to melt away from my attacks which were just getting stronger as I brought up yet more troops as they finished mopping up the last of the broken original force. 

After prep fire Rob threw in the towel as he now was down to two good order squads and I was poised to DM his two broken squads that had a chance of getting back for the last turn.

It was a good scenario with plenty of chances for the Chinese to turn back a few attacks but the combination of Japanese squads not breaking and my large fire groups with low rolls meant Rob was on a back foot throughout the game.  In the next scenario from Blood & Jungle it's the Chinese who are attacking.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Taking Stock or a Wargaming Stocktake - 6mm

I started this a few days ago, getting through most of the 6mm and finally finish thee little guys giving me plenty of food for thought.

Like most wargamers I have a few figures tucked away and started to wonder if it was a good idea to know exactly what I have tucked away.

The army so far less the Large Stone Throwers.

New period for me so I have yet to buy too much and sure enough it is quite reasonable.
Quite a few Command and casualty bases but these will be worked into the units so no need for an exact count.
Two units of Companion cavalry each of about 24 figures, these actually still could be one and a bit units if I end up going with about 30 figures to a base.
Two more units of horse archers, these will probably sit waiting till just about everything else is finished as I won't need more than the two I have painted already.
Three phalanxes each of 96 figures, I hope to get these painted up in the next month or so ready for Triples as I hope to get a few more then. Just need to give myself the excuse to buy more really.
One Hoplite unit of 48 figures, I have painted up one unit of these already but not blogged it yet.
Two to three units of Peltasts dependant on the size of the units.
Four bolt throwers that will give a mobile option to the big beasts.

Still a small project and as such not to many packs, though the fact that a pack tends to supply only a couple of units may help explain the low numbers.

This project went into mothballs as soon as Project Waterloo became a reality but is started to get some interest again now I have finished the Naps. I bought an army pack from Baccus but was also lucky enough to get a Baccus Army pack off a bring and buy which explains the following

Fifteen Regiments of Foot and another six regiments worth of musket but need command and pike.
Nineteen regiments of cavalry, having only painted up a couple of cavalry regiments these show up really badly.
Thirteen command stands, won't need this many so some will find their way onto the cavalry and infantry bases.
Ten guns and twelve crews. Not sure what happened there.
Four limbers, really need a limber per gun so will have to get more of these in the future.
Two Dragoon regiments as mounted and dismounted versions.

As you can see this is an army begging for attention, far more owned as bare lead than painted. As I am also painting up Lee's Essex army I will be showing these guys some love.

French Napoleonic.
Take a good luck at the image above, I also need you to know it's grown since as I have added more units, I tell you this because...........

OLD Baccus
Five  Battalions of Infantry
Three Battalions of Grenadiers
Five Chasseur Regiments
Four Dragoon Regiments
These were intended to be used as Allied troops and that remains the plan for sometime in the future.

NEW Baccus
Seven Battalions of Infantry
Nine Battalions in Greatcoat
Ten Old Guard in Greatcoat
Two Battalions in Bicorne 
Eight 12lb guns and crews
Two Guard Horse guns and crews
Two Guard Foot guns and crews
Four Elite Light Cavalry Regiments
Four Lancer Regiments

Five Line Battalions
Three Light Battalions
Seven Battalions without command figures
Four guns and crews
Thirty seven command figures
Seven Chasseur Regiments
Two Cuirassier Regiments
Two Lancer Regiments

So 51 Battalions of infantry, twenty eight cavalry regiments and sixteen guns, enough to keep me busy for a few months. As these are all needed for future projects I am not over concerned as it's difficult to have too many French troops.

Guard Lancers, the only Polish yet started.
Fifteen Battalions of Infantry, I need command for four of these battalions.
Three guns and crews
Fourteen command figures
Embryo at best, these are the troops I got via Dave at BlogCon. I had always planned the Poles and will look forward to the opportunity to work on these.

I have painted up all the units that fought at Waterloo but plan to paint beyond this so to be able to fight all the battles the Prussians fought in the 100 day campaign and the earlier battles when France was triumphant. Have had quite a break from painting these guys and getting ready to reduce the unpainted lead further.

Eight Reserve Battalions
Twenty Seven Landwehr battalions, 
Eight guns and crews
One Limber
Forty Two command figures
Two Hussars Regiments
Two Ulan Regiments
Two Dragoon Regiments
Five Cuirassier Regiments

Nothing like the French pile but those Landwehr are a lump, this is in part as I bought twelve Baccus Battalions when I needed a break from the Adler ones. All the Prussians are Adler and again I will be needing all of them at some point in the future, yes even the Landwehr.

I also have nine WWI planes that will hopefully get my attention soonish as they really should be a quick job.

I actually have less than I thought I might have and now I have set numbers I can buy other units that may be required without worrying that I may be doubling up on what I already have. 

Next up will be the 15mm boxes, whilst I have much less of these it will be interesting to see exactly what I so have!

Monday 16 March 2015

Best Laid Plans and Roman's.

The end of the challenge always is a bit difficult for me. Last year I lost 4 days to Heroes ASL tournament and then my Birthday. This year I swapped the four days for just one (Mothers Day) but looks like that one day will spin out beyond as I have burnt my hand bad enough that I can't use it, at least for a few days but possibly longer de[pendant on how the blistering works out. So please read this post slowly as I can't type fast with one hand    ;-)

To go with the light horse I have also painted up a couple of  their heavier brethren. First up more Equites. These are really nice looking figures and again I wanted them to stand out quite a lot so went with a light blue cloak and a deeper blue shield.

These are armed with Light Spear and are Swordsmen so should be able to stand up to most of what they have to face.

Some of the few troops in the army that you can see any armour so needed a shot of it to show it off. I can add two more bases to make it a six base unit if desired.

The heavy hitters, Equities Catafractari, Lancers and Swordsmen what more could you wish for? Well the figures are armed with bow as well!

Again these can have an extra two bases which would make them expensive but so much more dangerous. The horses are a little bit chunky which obviously works with cataphracts. 

I was hoping to finish the Roman's off this week but that's looking unlikely at best, still I have enough figures painted to cross the 2K mark though getting them flagged is also looking a long shot but as I have loads of flags I may give it a whirl.